Sunday, April 8, 2007

भगत मेरे है मुकुट मणि और में भक्तो का दास भवानी

भगत मेरे है मुकुट मणि और में  भक्तो का दास भवानी 

God is the sole source of inspiration and power,
Bhakti is a path to God,
Bhakti is a media to invoke self for,

God has revealed this truth that those who are persistent to him and love him more than themselves, he gives them such wisdom from which devotees interface his truth in their interactive truth to perceive suitable,

भगत मेरे है मुकुट मणि और में  भक्तो का दास भवानी 

Life's greatest wealth is neither gold nor material goods, mundane currency but the truth of devotion man earns and possesses,

Name, fame never goes along but the truth Devotion,

Smitten with utter love and persistent quest to reach it could be a light of devotion,

Trials and tribulations of the journey never pause for devotees, in midst of them devotees have to prove themselves in truth with submission,

Devotees do suffer from diseases, age follows them too, hunger and thirst never differentiate, 

Frustration never knew the truth of devotees, failures in devotion are very common, yet devotees have to track self in truth with self on the path of devotion, it is not a path that separate track but one has to track it separately midst of the crowd,

Happiness and success have nothing to do with devotion, it is an eternal chapter to pierce through the truth of eternity within the self through conjunct of external and internal practices,

Devotion is not merely an act but a deep diligent truth of self-involvement, indeed a conjunct of love and submission, 

Devotion is a fair catalyst between man and God,

Devotion could be an ecstasy of love in contemplation of God,

Here intellect ceases to self, and practice of truth caters to the emotion of ecstasy 

Bhakti is not merely an emotion that manifests with the eternal condition but a truth that is pitched on realized Acadamy of self in truth with conjunct of love and submission,

The human mind dwells in various emotions and often swings in between but devotion is different from, 

It could be a momentary truth for many that manifest with environment and condition and cease in truth with the harshness of life, for few harsh truths of life drag them to devotion,

Few renounce the world in course of devotion, few adopt this truth when the world renounces them in totality,

Devotion is a divine cult, honored when one can reach the stage to conquer self to recall the soul mate,

In devotion tears and smiles manifest in conjunct at a mature stage,

Intense love for God is a truth of Devotion, 

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Hare Rama

भक्ति एक सागर भी है और सेतू  भी
भक्ति एक पवन नदी भी है और किनारा भी
भक्ति एक पथ है और मंज़िल भी
भक्ति एक साधन भी है और सत्य भी
भक्ति एक दीप भी है और प्रकाश भी
भक्ति एक ऐसा सागर है जहा सभी धर्म अपने सत्य को समाेर्पित करते है
भक्ति आत्म तत्व तक पहुचने का साधन भी है और सेतु भी
भक्ति भाव प्रगट करने हेतु सत्य भी है और भाव का मूल भी
भक्ति साधक का सत्य भी है और प्रेरणा भी
भक्ति के मूल में सभी सिद्धियों का वास होता है
भक्ति के मध्य में भक्त व् आकाश में सत्य प्रतिष्ठित रहता है
भक्ति एक दिव्य गंगा है जो मन को पावन करने हेतु सभी की सुलभ है
भक्ति भक्त की पहचान भी है और भाव का दर्शन भी
भक्ति एक दिव्य सम्पदा है और मुक्ति का साधन भी
भक्ति प्रेम का एक दिव्य रूप है व् प्रेम का सत्य भी
भक्ति समर्पण की परिकाष्ठा है व् समर्पण हेतु साधन भी
भक्ति एक विशेष उपलब्धि है जो मानव जीवन में सभी को सुलभ है
भक्ति सत्य दया तप व् दान के संमिश्रण प्रारूप का एक दिव्य वृक्ष है

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Human life is lucrative like anything but the desire to reach at and truth to make it are the prime subjects for man,

Life of all beings as the midst of eternity that isolated in themselves, though apparently in a social cult for many species but in truth, they stand alone as stars and planets in ether truth of the universe that unsupported,

All beings have their limitation to intercept life at wish and will but man,

Man needs tangible support to maintain its truth of eternity,

Bhakti could be media to support the truth of eternity in self,

Bhakti that devotion is infinite in itself, and possesses infinite ways to help men,

Human beings are truly a part of God and party to the truth of God,

Bhakti could be an effective antidote to the afflictions resulting from the fiction and friction of the journey,

 There are so many paths to making and a few defined in truth with easy access are as follows,

Naam Jaap,

Fasting in truth with self,

fasting in truth with Vow,

Fasting in truth with sacrifice,

Fasting in truth with eternity,

Sacred offerings,

Meaningful oblations,

Dignified pilgrimage,

Love to God,

Disinterested service for the true cause, 

Visiting the holy places,

Holi dip in celestial streams,

Steadfast in self unto the truth of Karma,

Recitation of sacred verses, 

Enchanting with the echo of self,

Meditation in truth with concentration,

Adoration of celestial cults in truth with divine festivals,

Faith in the mercy of God,

Realization of self in truth with the cause is an aspect of devotion,

Visting the Holy saints,

Visiting the holy rivers,

Meaningful living in truth with eternal self is an aspect of Bhakti,

A life in truth with sacred religion that embodiment of non-violence,

Charity with disinterested truth,

Indulge in the divine art of living,

Idol worship to support the mind,

A life in truth with moral and respective discipline,

भगति सुतिय कल करन बिभूषन 

जग हित हेतु बिमल बिधु पूषन

 Internal purification is a task for man and it is severe all the way, path to this task is not defined yet Bhakti could be the media to an extent,

An iota of the vicious idea may pollute the mind, and pollution of mind script the vicious ideas is as true as anything,

Self in layers is not truth but equally not a falsehood, and need thorough introspection unto truth self belongs to,

Self at the core of its existence in the obscure corner of the heart is mostly renounced in itself yet its outward roots create the difference,

Power of truth is the subject that radiates from the self and feeds the self to sustain its own wisdom, 

Bhakti at its first sanctify the outer flux of self but bhakti that conjunct with truth in deals pierces through the outer veils and reaches at the mid cast of self to pacify the subject when it is flavored with disinterested love that unalloyed then helps the cause to sanctify eternally which matters the most to spirit,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 


भक्ति मार्ग पर अभिमान व् अहंकार के लिए कोई स्थान नहीं

भक्ति मानव जीवन को नवरस से परिपूर्ण करती है
भक्ति मानव जीवन की परिपूर्ण व्याख्या है
भक्ति मात्र मंत्र जाप में ही सिमित नहीं है यहाँ भाव की गरिमा है
भक्ति में संत संगत की अपनी महिमा है
भक्ति में प्रभु चरित्र की जिज्ञासा परम सूत्र है
भक्ति में प्रभु चरण सेवा की अपनी गरिमा है
भक्ति में गुरु पूजा का अपना स्थान है
भक्ति में वर्णित निज कर्म का अपना महत्त्व है
भक्ति में भजन का विशेष स्थान है
भक्ति में प्रभुमय जीवन दर्शन की विशेष महिमा है
भक्ति में संत शरणागति  की अपनी महिमा है
भक्ति में परदोष रहित जीवन की गरिमा है
भक्ति में छलहीन प्रेम का विशेष स्थान है
भक्ति में प्रभु पद प्रीति परम है व् प्रेमा भक्ति की कोई सीमा नहीं

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Nine kinds of devotions and four kinds of devotees are not all, indeed they have defined truth unto subject,

Man cannot afford to expect immediate relief from devoting the faith,

Man cannot afford to act as barter in the truth of devotion,

Man can take it guaranteed that even a little effort unto devotion never goes waste,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

With the truth of devotion in cult with self man may develop his character, 

Destiny is a subject beyond the truth of self yet self bear the most from this chapter, and with the truth of devotion man may dispel afflictions to an extent,

Man is not as free as it appears in the sphere of life, man is in total ties in truth with destiny, and destiny is ruled by a hidden external force,

The classification of self-restraint is not that easy to perceive for anyone, it is to resist the impulse as guided by an external driving force and devotion alone may provide a shield to help,

Man is mostly dragged by the truth of lower instincts and needs to recover self from and devotion is the path,

Know the truth of God that supreme ruler,

All are among his creation for the cause best known to him alone,

His creation is puffed with more trials and tribulations than anything else,

Spirt that is embodied in five ever remains subjected to the hardship of condition and needs help to recover from,

Devotion alone is the chapter to enlighten self in the truth of its own light,

That alone is the truth to cut short the ties of suffering, 

God loves all equally as same as the Sun shines on all objects, only their own shadow protects them from the direct light of the sun,

Sunshines equally on the coal and the diamond, coal absorbs all being of its nature and diamond reflects all in the truth of colors so the philosophy of grace of the God that light divine,

Idol worship is a primary stage of devotees and there onwards devotees pick their pace to revamp self in truth to perceive suitable and ultimate resort is rest upon the self alone to approach ultimate one,

On the path of Bhakti that in truth with self that in silent mode, devotees experience many mystic things which have got nothing to do with the external world, 

In the mature truth of this process, devotees find his light many times, God himself appears in many forms to the devotee, irrespective of his material task,

Beyond the midway devotees mostly live twin life one which can be referred to as outward material truth and the other related to the sky of his eternity,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Many people fail to attain spiritual vision irrespective of their persistent approach,

Spiritual nature needs to coincide with human nature to yield favorable,

Often devotees fail to realize the inner content of desire behind the truth of devotion, man needs to mind that his approach makes it, need not worry about results,

Just invest the spirit in truth with a devotion that Bhakti, mostly is a long-term investment,

The result of the Bhakti can never be pinpointed, a part may yield with immediate effect rest scatters invariable that hard to track,

Bhakti is ecstasy in truth with eternity that manifests in truth with fate or the grace of God,

No one can give a most appropriate idea unto the truth of this chapter except one's own self,

Man must not put too much pressure on the subject though a must for man,

Man can never know the truth of this practice until observing in self with truth,

This is one of the great things that may be put into practice to regain self,

Rest assured that initial torque for anything could be a high end to meet so is the truth with Bhakti,

But as man moves ahead and goes forward steadfastly, accomplishment acts as a friend,

Life is not a matter of moment though move moment by moment, past and future remains aligned with and man may face hardship to recollect self yet practice of devotion is absolutely viable,

Man can never afford to be impatient and overdone in the truth of practice on the path of devotion,

Just a light flash from the divine grace is more than enough for requisite persistence,

Induction from a saintly soul and a holy saint may help to put the spirit on track,

A little glimpse of higher things may add fuel to ignite the pace of devotion,

Bhakti strengthening aspiration is the truth of time and adds eternal strength to the spirit to face the torments of conditions,

The truthful practice of devotion imprints upon the eternity of self that helps SOS,

Diet regulation and fasting is a chapter of concern in Bhakti Path,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Bhakti could be a milestone for journey eternal on the pitch of mind, it could be the truth for eternal pilgrimage,

Long before we find it,

Seek to safeguard self,

Aspirants must affirm to themselves that seek, pray, and yearn,

The inner journey needs more than light, that light of the self, and it can only be yielded through the practice of relevant discipline in truth with the celestial cult,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

A Bhakta must make a Note_

A Bhakta must be persistent in the practice of adoration,

A Bhakta speech must match his thought that in harmony,

A Bhakta should recognize his ideal,

A Bhakta should recognize his truth,

A Bhakta should never deceive fellow beings,

A Bhakti must be an embodiment of compassion eternally,

A thrill runs through his body as he sings the praise of his master,

His voice gets chocked and his eyes flow with tears in the thought of his master is the sign of maturity of Bhakti in the Bhakta,

A Bhakta must maintain a distance from lust and greed,

A Bhakta must possess a heart full of kindness,

A Bhakta must maintain an eternal smile for his master irrespective of condition,

भक्तिपथ पर हिंसा हेतु कोई स्थान नहीं

There is no set rule in Bhakti,
Rules bind the beings but Bhakta,
Bhakti is a truth to liberate the self,
Bhakti can never bind the spirit,
Bhakti is a charter to please God,
Bhakti is a truth to liberate self from the delusion of Maya,

Loving devotees remain in a peculiar state of mind,
Some of them catch hold of their ideal both ways,
Some of them go bare in the truth of their renounced world,

Sick deeds pollute the mind and create barriers in the path of Bhakti.

It took twelves year to complete the cycle that acts as hidden Sankalp to sanctify self after that words from that devotee are sure to come true is a quote from the truth of time,

The power of truth in conjunct with self-restraint is a chapter that may deal with all subjects of the journey of both worlds, 

Bhakti alone is capable of sanctifying the inner truth and cleansing the mind to a great extent,

Those in truth to self apply self to knave the alms of the saintly soul can never a party to devotion and transmigration to a lower unit is the truth for them irrespective of their name and wealth,

With the practice of devotion man shed material consciousness of the mundane, find himself in liberation from the tag of cast and race feels obliged eternally to reach the threshold of that unison,

In truth with devotion, an idol of deity manifests itself in its new garb in the inverted lotus of devotee that makes him wander to reach at is a stage and state that cannot be described in words,

Bhakti is not alike love, at first sight, it is an orientation of eternal self in truth with the cause that compels spirit to stalk a discipline that is known in the name of Bhakti,

God loves all in one or the other way but rarely do men love God because of their referral assignments, but those who make it cross the barrier make it to the self, 

Loving devotees remain in a peculiar state of mind, among them few make to bloom to charm the God, the rarest truth in nature, but a reality,

When a man loves God is bound to renounce the world, or he is a deceiver of self to barter the love for material gains,

A true devotee face the God in person many times in a indifferent cult but mostly remains failed to recognize till God himself made him recognize this truth,

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

माया व् भक्ति एक ही सिक्के के दो पहलु है जैसे रात  व् दिन
माया एक रात्रि के सामान है व् भक्ति दिन सामान
माया व् भक्ति दोनों ही स्त्री भाव से प्रेरित है समर्पण दोनों में ही फल प्रद है
माया व् भक्ति दोनों ही परमपिता परमात्मा की दें है भक्ति परमात्मा की और प्रेरित रहती है व् माया बाहरी रचना पर
माया जीव को बंधन की और ले जाती है व् भक्ति जीव को मुक्ति की ओर
मायामय जीव न स्वयं को जनता है न ब्रह्म को
भक्तिमय जीव माया व् ब्रह्म के मध्य अपनी गति पहचानता है
माया सुख दिखा कर दुःख देती है व् भक्ति दुःख दे कर भी मुक्ति का मार्ग प्रदान करती है
जीव माया अधीन परबस है और भक्ति एक सच्चा सहारा व् मार्ग है
माया व् भक्ति दोनों ही परमात्मा के अधीन है पर भक्ति समर्पित व् माया अभिमानी है
भगवान को समर्पण ही भाता है
माया बहुगुणी व् भक्ति निजगुणी है
माया एक कठिन सागर है जिसे पर करने हेतु भक्ति एक दृढ़ नौका
जीव माया को पर कर ही निज स्वरुप को पा सकता है और भाटी एक साधन है
भक्ति में सेवाभाव व् समर्पण स्वयंसिद्ध है
माया को पाने के लिए जीव को उसके संसार में आना पढ़ता है व् भक्ति पथ पर स्वयं ब्रह्म प्रगट हो कर जीव को धन्य करते है
माया के संसार में जूठ प्रपंच असत्य व्  भेद ही भेद है
भक्ति में मार्ग पर सत्य जीव के  मोह पाश को काट कर उसे विशुद्ध कर देता है
भक्ति सत्य को प्रगट करती है व् माया असत्य को प्रगट करे
भक्ति मार्ग पर सदाचार की गरिमा है
भक्ति मार्ग पर आहार विहार की सीमा है
भक्ति मार्ग पर भक्ष अभक्ष के सचेत होना अनिवार्य है
शाकाहारी भोजन भक्ति मार्ग पर परम सहायक है
भक्ति मार्ग पर मानव को प्रभु में ही अपना सर्वस्व नजर आता है
भक्ति मार्ग पर माता पिता गुरु सखा स्वामी व् देव सब कुछ प्रभु ही होते है
भक्ति मार्ग पर नम आँखों में प्रभु मिलन का अनकहा इंतजार व् ह्रदय में प्रभु के प्रति अपार प्रेम

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

Defined Forms of worship in cult with self_

Singing the praise of God without mimic show,
Performing respective Namaskaar,
Hearing the praise of God in faith with,
Indulge in rituals as prescribed by the time and ages,
Visiting temples,
Reading sacred scriptures 
Participating in Yajna
Serving the Bhagvat Bhakt's 
Constant remembrance of God,

भक्ति मार्ग पर कामुकता  का कोई स्थान नहीं 

The spiritual transformation could be a milestone for the spirit in the journey with embodied forms, and to reach man needs to remind self through the truth of devotion, 

Simple life along the lines of nature free from deciet could be a truth of devotion for man,

A wakeful conscious truth in pitch with realization is not less than devotion for man,

 भक्ति मार्ग पर प्रभु गुणगान में शरीर का पुलकित हो जाना एक शगुन है
भक्ति मार्ग पर ही जीव को शाश्वत  धर्म का बोध होता है
भक्ति मार्ग पर स्वाभाव में सहजता की अपनी गरिमा है जो प्रभु को वशीभूत कर लेती है

बचन कर्म मन मोरी गति भजन करहि निष्काम 

तिन्ह के ह्रदय कमल महु करउ सदा विश्राम 
I ever repose in the lotus heart of those who depend on me in thought, words, and deeds and worship me in a disinterested way_

भक्ति जीव को अपार सुख देती है
भक्ति स्वयं में स्वतंत्र है इसको को किसी अन्यथा सहारे की आवश्यकता नहीं
भक्ति के बिना भी योग साध कर जीव भगवान तक पहुंच सकता है पर भक्ति के आभाव में भगवान को पा नहीं सकता
भक्ति हीन प्राणी प्रभु को भाता नहीं
भक्ति संतो के संग से सहज ही सलभ  हो जाती है
भक्ति ब्राह्मण सेवा से भी सहज ही प्रात होती है
भक्ति पथ परम सहज है यहाँ अपने परम प्रियतम के प्रति एक मुस्कान व् स्वभाव में सहजता ही मूल है
भक्ति में संतोष की अपार गरिमा है-जीव सभी अवस्थाओ में संतोष को मान  दे---यथा विधि संतोषा
भक्ति में चालाकी बही ही घातक सिद्ध होती है
भक्ति में त्याग की परम गरिमा है

भगति  हीन गुण सब सुख ऐसे 

लवण बिना बहु बिंजन जैसे 

अविरल भगति विशुद्ध तव श्रुति पुराण जो गाव 
जेहि खोजत जोगीस मुनि प्रभू प्रसाद कोई पाव 
भगत कल्प तरु प्रनत हिट कृपा सिंधु सुख धाम 
सोई निज भक्ति मोहि प्रभु देह दया करि राम 

एवमस्तु कह रघुकुल नायक-बोले बचन परम सुख दायक 
सब  सुख खानि भक्ति ते मांगी -नहीं जग कोई तोहि  सम बढ़  भागी 

भगति हीन विरंचि किन होइ -सब जीवहु सम प्रिय मोहि सही 

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

पुरुष नपुंसक नारि व जीव चराचर कोई 
सर्व भाव भज कपट तजि मोहि परम प्रिय सोई 

बिनु  विश्वास भक्ति नहीं तेहि बिनु द्रवहि न रामु 
राम कृपा बिनु सपनेहु जीव न लह विश्रामु 

Tenaciously adhering to the cult of devotion but avoiding bigotry and giving up all sophistical reasoning,

Fond of singing and hearing the praise of ultimate soul mate and devoted to his true name and free from attachment to the world, arrogance, and infatuation---the felicity that such a man enjoys s known to him alone who has become one with God on the path of his cult

भगत प्रेम के पाले पड़ कर
प्रभु को नियम बदलते देखा
खुद का मान भले घाट जाए
भगत का मान न घटते देखा 

Legends of Bhakti

Bhakta Narada,

Bhakta Dhurva

Bhakta Hanuman

Bhakta Namai Nitai

Bhakta Rasakakhana 

Bhakta Tulsidas

Bhakta Surdasa 

Bhakta Ranirasomani

Bhakta Radha Baba

Bhakta Ramanujacharya 

Bhakta Sabari,

हरे रामा 

Nonviolence should be abundantly possessed by a devotee,

The devotee must have an emotion of love for living beings

Devotees must bear the truth of sympathy

भगति  हीन गुण सब सुख ऐसे 

लवण बिना बहु बिंजन जैसे 

The task of the life of a man is to bring his life in harmony with his inherent spiritual nature and to reach man needs help, devotion is that truth,

In devotion half, the way is traveled by the devotee and later half is completed by the presiding deity is the truth of ages, 

Life can be simple and accomplished but to complete the cycle it needs devotion,

Anyone who is committed to guarding self to change the orientation must orient self in truth with devotion and sooner or later it may help to distance self from material goals, an achievement in the field of spirituality,

Sri Ram Bhakti is a celestial stream that is passing by through the heart of men on the planet and men may tap it through respective disciplines to have a holy dip that to sanctify self for the eternal cause.

The world of material science is complicated in itself which may provide felicitation and comfort to senses but the peace, and that may lead self indifferently, man needs tangible support to sustain self and Sri Ram Bhakti is,

The science of spirituality in alliance with the truth of self may simply be the cause that appears tough for worldly men to sail safe to that shore and Ram Bhakti is a perfect bridge,

Sri Ram Bhakti is a prophetic science to relate truth with the soul,

The physical body is subject to natural laws, but the subtle body is pitched at the truth of eternal laws and to reach Ram Bhakti is the simplest path,

Men are capable of playing for themselves and for others the role of believing, fasting, inspiring, and discerning, aspirants are actively participating in the eternal cult in truth with self to make it and their reasonable support is Sri Rama Bhakti,

Faculty of mind is comprehensive truth of mysticism, act entirely on different sphere receive signals in hidden truth of self from an unknown source and imply unto self to gratify the referral wants but real want can only be addressed through Sri Ram Bhakti

Shiva to his most beloved devotees award Sri Ram Bhakti

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी 

भगतिवंत अति नीचउ प्राणी

मोहे प्राणप्रिय असि मम बाणी